Helpful Links for Military Families
Military Interstate Children's Compact Commission: Founded in 2008, the Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission (MIC3) is the governing body of the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children or ICEOMC. Commission members include the 50 states, District of Columbia, and five ex-officio representatives – which include the US Department of Defense. The collaborative’s mission, to ease the educational transitions of school-aged, military-connected students attending public schools and Department of Defense schools worldwide, also promulgates and enforces the compact rules.
Military One Source: A central hub for the military community. Provides information about military benefits, deployments, reintegration, moves, parenthood, retirement and more. Support for Military Personnel & Families | Military OneSource
National Military Family Association: Provides information and resources related to services and programs for military families.
Serving Military Families Since 1969 (
MIC3 Compact Rules
MIC3 Electronic Brochure
MIC3 Parent FAQs
MIC3 Tennessee Code Annotated Contact MIC3 Tennessee
Tennessee Grading Scale
Purple Star School Award Information
Month of the Military Child Resources
Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC): The mission of MCEC is to ensure inclusive, quality educational opportunities for all military-connected children affected by mobility, transition, deployments and family separation.
The MCEC website has a wide variety of information for parents and educators. MCEC is widely known as a reliable source of current information. The advantage for parents using this website is the opportunities for involvement for students and families.
These links may be particularly helpful:
Military Children on the Move
This a military-operated website designed to help Military Connected Families in every aspect of their life. This is a site that can help families in a variety of aspects other than just education. There is a wealth of information intended to assist the military family. Checklist for Transitioning Students SchoolQuest provides many resources for parents and educators. One set that is invaluable is the Transitioning Student list. This includes a checklist for Student Transitioning, Students with Disabilities, Gifted, and English Language Learners. Parents will be able to use the checklists to help have discussions with incoming and outgoing schools. This may help reduce the lack of services and participation due to slow delivery of paperwork. A second page that may be very helpful is the Parent Resource Library Page. Parents, students, and educators can find a wide range of information on these resource pages.
April is Month of the Military Child! Follow us for upcoming events.